Tara, everyone’s favorite jungle gal, steals the spotlight when she takes a shower that starts a madcap chase thru the jungle-sans costume!! Lots of foliage!! Art by Ed Coutts, from a Paul Monsky story. Then, an old foe returns to menace The Femforce- Darkfire!! When her twisted scheme for revenge puts Ms. V, Tara, She-Cat and Nightveil in the helpless clutches of her Menta-helmet, it’s up to Synn to come up with a “big idea’ to rescue them!! Great GTS climax with giant Darkfire and Tara!! Plot and layouts by newcomer Kurt Ruskin; script by Bill Black, and finished art by Mark and Stephanie Heike. Then, another heroine from the Golden Age returns- Tomboy!! Last seen within the pages of Sterling Comic’s Captain Flash Comics, circa 1955, Writer/artist Nick Northey brings her back to life in a wild, way-out and wacky all-new “retro” story set in that era, titled “Voodoo Hoodoo”!! If grizzled detectives, zombie strippers and a gangster named Wholly Worm Smith aren’t enough, check out Jeff Austin’s awesome inks on Mr. Northey’s pencils!! 44 pages, black and white with color cover, standard Femforce size and format. Printed in 2004.