Captain Flash battles the underwater menace of the Sharkmen by Mike Sekowsky, while Ibis the Invincible dares all to rescue the beautiful Taia from the evil Cat God, drawn by Kurt Schaffenberger. The very first appearance of that human cyclone known as The Twister (by Paul Gustavson) from the pages of Blue Bolt Vol.2,#1 is presented in this big book of classic reprints, along with that issue’s Blue Bolt story. Next comes a real surprise…Miracle Man! No, not THAT Miracle Man, but the costumed hero from the 1950’s who clobbers a giant octopus in this story!! The Tomboy makes her first Men of Mystery appearance this issue,as she battles the cold-blooded villain known as Sound Wave!! Then, meet The Panther, an Australian costumed hero from the same era. Some of the most interesting material out of the Golden Age of comics, from publishers like Fawcett, Sterling, Curtis and more- from around the world. 52 big pages, black and white with color covers, standard comic book format.