Men of Mystery # 57


Thrills from the Golden Age of Comics!! Five big features this issue, starting off with the high-flying AIRBOY, as he battles a giant, mutant slug from the sea floor, as endered by the master; Ernie Schroeder. Then, it’s the 1950’s incarnation of The BLUE BEETLE, rendered quite capably by the art team of Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia (notable because this long-lived classic hero has been drawn SO BADLY for so much of his 45-plus year career in comics) in “Unmasked

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Thrills from the Golden Age of Comics!! Five big features this issue, starting off with the high-flying AIRBOY, as he battles a giant, mutant slug from the sea floor, as endered by the master; Ernie Schroeder. Then, it’s the 1950’s incarnation of The BLUE BEETLE, rendered quite capably by the art team of Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia (notable because this long-lived classic hero has been drawn SO BADLY for so much of his 45-plus year career in comics) in “Unmasked”. Then, cover feature BULLETMAN (with the beautiful BULLETGIRL by his side, of course!) in “The Dangerous Escape”, as drawn by Bill Ward and the Binder Shop crew. Then, straight out of Whiz Comics, it’s IBIS THE INVINCIBLE, in “The Guardians of the Tomb”, and finally that beauteous jungle defender, CAMILLA, (in a story out of Jungle Comics )on the trail of ancient Viking relics- as drawn by Ralph Mayo. All quality, full-story reprints, as originally seen within the pages of Hillman, Fawcett , Charlton & Fiction House comics. 52 pages, black & white with color covers. Standard comic book size & format, saddle- stitched. Printed in 2005