Men of Mystery Daring Adventures Special 1
Another spectacular Mike Machlan cover graces this impressive double-sized compilation of the best from AC’s superb Men of Mystery Golden Age reprint title, this volume contains 100 pages of the best comic book stories from the 1940’s, featuring a bevvy of the most popular characters of the era, including AIRBOY, DOLLMAN, MANHUNTER, BLUE BEETLE, The AVENGER, IBIS The INVINCIBLE, MANHUNTER, T-MAN, BULLETMAN and CAMILLA, by stellar artists like John Spranger, Ernie Schroeder, Bob Powell, Charles Nicholas and Ralph Mayo, all reproduced in perfect clarity using state-of-the-art reconstruction techniques. An impressive collection of vintage full comic book stories; 11 in all . 100 pages, black & white with color covers, standard comic book size, saddle-stitched. Printed in 2007, this book contains material originally presented in Men of Mystery #’s 57 and 62.
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