
Best of the West # 48


As always, a top-flight selection of the best classic cowboy comics of the 1940′s and ’50′s. This issue leads off with everybody’s favorite, the Durango Kid, in “Inheritance of Death


As always, a top-flight selection of the best classic cowboy comics of the 1940’s and ’50’s. This issue leads off with everybody’s favorite, the Durango Kid, in “Inheritance of Death”; illustrated by Joe Certa and John Belfi. Then, it’s comic’s original ghost rider, The Haunted Horseman, in a tale originally seen in Tim Holt Comics #24- “The Scourge of Guilt”, drawn by none other than the great Dick Ayers. Then the team of Certa and Belfi strikes again in a rollicking Dan’l Boone adventure, “The Big Guns”!! Following that, it’s Range Rider in “The Giant of Gold Hill”, drawn by Tony Sgroi; “Black Fire” by the legendary John Severin, and Tim Holt as Redmask in “The Devil’s Own”, drawn by Frank Bolle, from Tim Holt #22. High-quality, full-story reprints from the Golden Age of the Western comic book, reprinted using state-of-the-art techniques from comics originally published by Magazine Enterprises, Dell, and Prize Comics. 44 pages, black and white with color covers; standard Best of the West size & format. Printed in 2005.