
Best of the West # 69


Now with even MORE PAGES of Western comics action; a full 64-PAGE, Golden Age style collection!! This issues special Macbre Western theme leads off with The DURANGO KID in “Curse of the Bakala


Now with even MORE PAGES of Western comics action; a full 64-PAGE, Golden Age style collection!! This issues special Macbre Western theme leads off with The DURANGO KID in “Curse of the Bakala”, as drawn by Joe Certa and John Belfi; followed by the ultimate horror-themed Western character- The HAUNTED HORSEMAN in “The Claws of Horror”, illustrated by Dick Ayers. Then, the great John Buscema illustrates “Wild Bill Pecos Meets The Undertaker”; and The MASKED MARVEL stars in “The Bloodsucker of Banta Gulch”, delineated by Tony Tallarico. Tim Holt as REDMASK takes on “The Ghost of Fort Apache”, drawn by Frank Bolle, MONTE HALE makes “The Gravedigger’s Escape”; LASH LaRUE appears in “Case of the Supernatural, illustrated by Doug Wildey; plus a special, never-before-seen BLACK PHANTOM adventure; “Terror Town”, written by Enrico Teodorani, with art by Anthony Conversano. 8 big stories in all, reprinted from comics originally published by Magazine Enterprises, Charlton, Orbit, Fawcett and others, all reprinted in crisp, clear black & white, using state-of-the-art techniques of reproduction. Standard comic book size; 64 pages saddle-stitched, with a full-color cover a black & white interiors. Printed in 2008.