Femforce #202


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Femforce #202

Writer: Bill Black
Artists: Eric Coile and Bill Black
Cover Artist: Bill Black
Synopsis: When NIGHTVEIL plunges into The SHIMMERER’S cosmic sack to reclaim her Cloak Of Darkness, she finds herself in an unknown universe fraught with peril. Just when her goal is within reach she becomes entangled in the twisted tatters of the Yellow Queen. On Earth, FEMFORCE alone must deal with… RHOGTARR!

Issue/Number 202

Format: Standard comic book size, saddle-stitched
Dimensions: 10″ X 6.50″
Page Count: 24
Color: full digital color (with color covers)
Intended Audience: All ages
Genre: Action/adventure/superhero/glamor
Country of Origin: USA
Ship Date: November 27, 2023
Writer: Bill Black
Artists: Eric Coile and Jeff Austin
Cover Artist: Eric Coile and Bill Black