
Femforce # 58


All Color!! With the tragic death of young Jason, the Wayne and Burke families are in shambles. While Joan Wayne leaves for The Colorado Project to undergo post-nuke testing, daughter Jennifer tries to leave government service, but is blackmailed into a new job by General Gordon. She’ll become the new leader of the revived Golden Agers formerly known as the Vault Heroes. What to call them? Gordon’s orders: The Sentinels Of Justice. This of course raises the ire of the original Sentinels, recently forced to disband by the government. And what’s the first menace Jen’s new team must deal with? The monstrous enigma known as …The Fear Apparition!! “Sentinels Anew

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All Color!! With the tragic death of young Jason, the Wayne and Burke families are in shambles. While Joan Wayne leaves for The Colorado Project to undergo post-nuke testing, daughter Jennifer tries to leave government service, but is blackmailed into a new job by General Gordon. She’ll become the new leader of the revived Golden Agers formerly known as the Vault Heroes. What to call them? Gordon’s orders: The Sentinels Of Justice. This of course raises the ire of the original Sentinels, recently forced to disband by the government. And what’s the first menace Jen’s new team must deal with? The monstrous enigma known as …The Fear Apparition!! “Sentinels Anew” is written by Bill Black, with pencils by Dick Ayers and inks by Mark Heike and Bill Black. Guest starring General Gordon and Captain Tom Kelly, Yankee Girl, Catman and Kitten, The Avenger, Rocketman and Jetgirl, Miss Masque, Reddevil, Captain Flash, Green Lama. Black Venus, Astron and Astra, Paragon, Commando D, The Scarlet Scorpion, Mirror Man and Darkfire. Slight GTS scene with Tara, lots of great “good girl art” Backup story is “The Vault Of Heroes Presents… Microman” Dr. Carey Roberts(A.K.A. Microman) relates who he is and how he came to be. Written by Bill Black, drawn by Dick Ayers and inked by Bill Black. Guest starring Buckaroo Betty and Dr. Jonathan Weir. Color cover by Mark Heike, full color throughout. Standard comic book format. Printed in 1993.