SOLD OUT! GGAQ#2 New lead Femforce story,(continued from GGAQ#1) “Shapeshifters”, Part II- written and drawn by Mark Moore and inked by Chad Hunt. It guest stars detective Harry Diamond. Complete Golden Age reprints ( in COLOR ) of the Fox Features’ The Phantom Lady, two Matt Baker-drawn stories originally printed in Phantom Lady #14- “A Shroud For The Bride”, and “The Condemned Venus”; plus “The Fox Features Phantom Lady Comic Book Index”, a guide to the entire 1940’s and ’50’s run of the character with historical information and lots of cover reprints. With lots of Baker art, this issue is filled to overflowing with the best comic book glamour art ever-bodacious , buxom babes and leggy lasses abound. Color cover by Mark Heike, interiors are color and black and white with graytones. 52 pages, standard comic book format. Printed in 1990.