THIS BOOK IS SOLD OUT AND UNAVAILABLE AT ANY PRICE!!”Too Tall” Tara debuts, as our favorite ecologist-turned-jungle girl has gained the power to grow into a giantess! (GTS fans, take note!)Helping producer Mike Frankovich, Jr. with special effects on a new T. V. series, the oversized jungle queen manages to tame an eleven-foot gorilla in “My Heart Belongs To Kong”, written by Bill Black, drawn by Dick(Giant-Man)Ayers, and inked by Black and Mark Heike. And, the all-time most popular jungle girl, Fiction House’s Sheena makes her JG debut this issue, in an untitled 1940’s vintage stary drawn by Robert H. Webb and friends, shot directly from the ACTUAL ORIGINAL ART!! Then, it’s two more Fiction House Golden Age classics, a Matt Baker-drawn Tiger Girl from Fight Comics, and Bob(Long Sam)Lubbers on Camilla, Wild Girl Of The Congo, from Jungle Comics. Plus photos and a letter from T. V.’s original Sheena. pinup favorite Irish McCalla. Even if you don’t like jungle stuff, buy this book chock full of comic-style drawings of sexy girls. Color cover by Bill Black(from Matt Baker) interiors are black and white with graytones. 36 pages, standard comic book format. Printed in 1992