Jungle Girls 3




After a two-year hiatus, Jungle Girls returns as a regular series!! The Femforce’s Tara On Jungle Island tangles with two poaches on the trail of the legendary treasure of Cap’n Jack, in a new untitled story written and drawn by Richard(The Count)Rome, and inked by Mark Heike and Jordi Ensign. Then, it’s the best of the classic jungle vixens of comic’s Golden Age, with Magazine Enterprises’ Cave Girl in “The Man Who Conquered Death”, drawn by Bob Powell, and Fiction House Publication’s Tiger Girl, straight out of Fight Comics, in “Behold The Rite Of Bor-Uk-Nah”!! Plus, full page cover repros from Fight #59, and Jumbo #104. Leggy, buxom pinup style “good girl art’ in a jungle setting. Color cover by Bill Black, interiors are black and white with graytones. 36 pages, standard comic book format. Printed in 1992.