
Men of Mystery # 71


Another superb mix of Golden Age classic reprints, including some old favorites, and two “newcomers

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Another superb mix of Golden Age classic reprints, including some old favorites, and two “newcomers” to the MOM line-up- but ALL in never-before-reprinted stories straight out of the 1940’s. Inside another spectacular Mike Machlan cover is cover star THE HOOD, who debuts this issue, as rendered by Jack Alderman from a mid-’40’s issue of Holyoke’s Cat-Man Comics, followed by Fawcett’s MINUTE MAN, in a Charles Sultan-drawn story from Master Comics #19. Then, Dan Barry illustrates MAJOR MIDNIGHT in “Marauders From The Deep”. Next up is a first-time appearance by SHOCK GIBSON in a breathtaking Bob Fujitani story from Speed Comics #44- “The Laughter That Kills”!! IBIS the INVINCIBLE appears, courteousy of Kurt Schaffenberger’s drawing skills, in ” Holocaust- God of Destruction”, from Whiz Comics. Then, straight out of Wow Comics it’s The PHANTOM EAGLE, by Charles Tomsey. This story is entitled “The Aerial Vikings”. BULLETMAN and BULLETGIRL go into action in “The Tattooed Man”, as drawn by Harry Anderson, and a Bernard Krigstein- illustrated GOLDEN ARROW finishes out the book, “The Dangerous Toys”. 68 pages of high-quality vintage reprints of the best of comic’s early days. Standard comic book size, black & white interiors with full color covers, saddle-stitched. Printed in 2008.