Retail Price: $5.95
Format: Standard comic book size, saddle-stitched
Dimensions: 10″ X 6.50″
Page Count: 24 pages
Color: FULL COLOR (with color covers)
Intended Audience: All ages
Genre: Actionadventuresuperheroglamor
Country of Origin: USA
Ship Date: August 28, 2022
Writers: Stephanie and Mark G. Heike
Artists: Bobby Ragland, Dave Matsuoka, Stephanie Heike and Mark Heike
Cover Artists: Mark and Stephanie Heike
Synopsis: FULL COLOR !!! Even as the assault on Jungle Island falters, a key character falls. The braintrust behind the sinister STRONG HAND is decimated as Ms. VICTORY and the FEMFORCE turn the tide of battle while developments at FFHQ send STARDUST into the fray. What new mystical challenges must NIGHTVEIL face?