
Yankee Girl: Stars and Stripes Forever #1


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It’s finally here, the special double-thick celebration of AC’s star-spangled second banana! Leading off, a brand-new YANKEE GIRL adventure set in the Fabulous ’50’s, as YG must face the awful onslaught of the combined evil might of The PANDA, LADY LUGER and FRITZ VOLTZMAN, with only guest-star Roger(The AVENGER) Wright to lend a hand, in “Buzz Bomb Blitz”, a comic- book tor-du-force penned by Wild Bill Black, penciled by Earnest Eric Coile, with inks by Stellar Scott Shriver and Wild Bill Himself. It’s chock full of stormtroopers, zepplins, doughboys and V-1 rocket madness!! Then, in an all-new modern-era story, Lauren (YANKEE GIRL) Mason treats herself to a tropical island vacation on the No Trouble atoll that quickly degenerates into a disaster on two levels, in “Can’t Stand The Heat, Kaiju?” ; plotted and penciled by Rambunctious Rock Baker, with ink finishes by Jaunty Jeff Austin and dialogue by Stunning Stephanie Heike. Then, step down memory lane for a selection of YG’s greatest adventures not seen since the 1990’s; including her FIRST AC featured role in an untitled story originally published in the long-out-of-print Good Girl Art Quarterly #7, written and inked by Mark Heike, and penciled by Dave Roberts. See YG and SHE-CAT battle it out (literally) for the role of spokesmodel for BH Industries. Then, as first seen ‘way back in Good Girl Art Quarterly #11, it’s YG in the now-classic “Sugar Cakes”, written and inked by Mark Heike, and penciled by Bad Brad Gorby. YG tries a new job; this time selling “Little Igor” snack cakes. Guest-starring the GREEN LAMA. Next, Lauren Mason bumps into her old fiance’ (from the Golden Age days) Corey Habot in “Old Flames”, written & drawn by Chris Allen, and inked by Mark Heike. This one initially appeared back in FEMFORCE #108. Then, YG runs afoul of the evil plotting of the villainous VULTURE in “The School For Yankee Girls, written and drawn by Chris Allen, with inks by Mark Heike, from FEMFORCE #109. After that, it’s back to the distant past of the 1940’s, for a breif text overview of the actual Golden Age publishing history of YANKEE GIRL at Harry “A” Chesler publications (written by Bossman Bill Black), followed by complete reprints of the ONLY TWO actual Golden Age YANKEE GIRL stories produced in the 1940’s; both of which were drawn by Ralph Mayo. And finally, a reprint of what is perhaps the “lost” Golden Age YANKEE GIRL story, KITTY KELLY, from Chesler’s Red Seal #17, in 1946. To try to understand just WHAT this character has to do with YANKEE GIRL, you’ll have to read Bill’s text piece in this book. Overall, it’s NINE great YG stories total (three of which have never before been seen) over 92 pages, in crisp black and white (in standard comic book size) inside a spectacular, full-color Will Meugniot cover; saddle-stitched. Released in 2012.