
Crypt of Horror #21




Rare material is the order of the day in Volume 21, AC Comics latest offering in it’s acclaimed Crypt of Horror vintage horror comic reprint series. This chock-full-of-creepy treasure trove is cover-to-cover with 22 of the hardest to find Pre-Code horror comics stories of the era. Pulp giant Standard had steady success throughout the 1940’s with their line of superhero comics; as the 1950’s dawned, they jumped onto the horror bandwagon with several scaries, including the moody “The Unseen.” From that title comes “The Helmsman”, illustrated by George Tuska, and “Death Reaches Out”, by Mike Sekowsky and Mike Peppe. “Adventures Into Darkness” was another Standard horror book, and from that we reprint George Roussos” “Frozen Death”. Ajax-Farrell had some of the VERY weirdest horror offerings in the Pre-Code era, and this volume of COH offers up a full half- dozen of them: “Ghost On The Gallows”,”Evil Disguise”,”The Playful Executioner”, “Return Of The Corpse”, “The Clay Coffin”, and “Death Takes Four”. From Ace Comics’ Web of Mystery comes a pair of scare-tales; “Black Fury” and “Beware The Phantom Spear”. Several top 1950’s horror artists are represented this issue, including Bob Powell with “Fade Out”; Steve Ditko with “My Secret”, and Bernard Krigstein with “They Wait Below”; Mort Meskin with “Credit And Loss”, Sal Trani with “The Supermen From Space”; and Lin Streeter with “An Ugly Dummy Named Oswald Foop!”. Other stories this issue, from publishers including Sterling,, Harvey and ACG, are “Best Seller”; “The Spectral Sister”; “Wax Museum”; “The Weird Wager’, “The Grave Robber”, A Pre-Code horror fan’s dream- that’s Crypt Of Horror Volume 21. 140 pages in black and white with color covers, standard comic book size, saddle-stitched. Now available for $29.95 from AC Comics.