
Femforce # 133


Tara Fremont takes center stage this issue, as the funeral of an old friend leads to a confrontation with a giant female elemental assasin, and the return of a hero out of the past in “Day of the Dead



ALL-NEW, never-before-seen material!! NOT A SINGLE REPRINT!!! Tara Fremont takes center stage this issue, as the funeral of an old friend leads to a confrontation with a giant female elemental assasin, and the return of a hero out of the past in “Day of the Dead”, written by Maura Grundmeyer, with art by Jeff Austin, and guest-starring… The Masked Marvel!!! Then, Rad & The Black Terror’s investigation hits paydirt as they finally catch up to the mad Dr. Lieber- though in a guise that NO ONE could have expected. But triumph turns to tragedy, when Lieber slips through Rad’s fingers- lirterally, in the continuation of last issues “Mission Prometheus” storyline. Script by Chris Irving, layouts by Kevin Stokes, finished pencils by Mark Heike, and inks by Jeff Austin. Finally, The snarling She-Cat ends up in the hands of an adversary out of the past- The Jackal- and in a confrontation like this, only ONE combatant can survive. “Captive of the Jackal”, written by Francesca Paolucci & Enrico Teodorani, (edited by Bill Black) with art By Antonio Conversano art-edited by Mark Heike. 44 pages, black & white with color covers, standard comic- book size, saddle-stitched. Printed in 2005