Femforce #183 is now available!! This big 183rd issue opens with the conclusion of last issue’s Eric Lindberg-scripted opus, “Taming The Shrew” as the diminutive menace gets his comuppance at the hands of the FEMFORCE, as illustrated by the crack art team of Javier Lugo on pencils and Jeff Austin on inks. Then, fan-favorite artist Silvano Beltramo illustrates a SHE-CAT solo adventure penned by Mark Holmes as a mysterious new villainess bedevils the ‘CAT in “Night To Howl”. Bossman Bill Black’s retro tale of Ms. VICTORY set in the Cold War era of the 1950’s, “The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Noah Khan Do” (also started last issue) concludes here as rendered by Bill, penciler Dan Gorman and inker Jeff Austin. NIGHTVEIL defends a group of girls from attack by a malevolent, other-dimensional entity in “Tornado Of Souls”, written by Awesome Andrew Hunt, and breathtakingly drawn by astounding new art discovery Alessio Mariani. Those deadly subversives, The Strong Hand show up again in pursuit of RAD, and a military assault in the forests of Northwest Oregon leads to a surprising resolution in “Life During Wartime”, written by Mark Heike, with art by Dave Matsuoka. The BLACK PHANTOM holds out for a schoolmarm accused of murder in “Hang ‘Em High”, an adventure set in the OLd West, as written by Mark Holmes and delineated by Eric Van Elslande and Jeff Austin. Another old favorite, penciler Gianluca Cerritelli is back, drawing Mark Holmes’ YANKEE GIRL bout, “The Big Breakthrough”, as the evil mistress of super-plants, Dr. Yvette Alain is back. Inks by Jeff(THAT guy again?) Austin. Finally, the latest installment of Bill Black’s untold NYOKA The JUNGLE GIRL serial rounds out the book, “The NEW Perils of Nyoka the Jungle Girl”, as it seems Nyoka’s love Larry himself has turned against her as a pawn in the evil Kuromoko’s scheme. How WILL she escape? Penciled by original artist Larry Nadolsky, and inked by Jeff Austin. Guest-starring The BLONDE BOMBER. Nine full “good girl” art adventure stories totalling nearly 80 pages in glistening black and white inside a full-color Mark and Stephanie Heike illustrated full color cover, standard comic book sized and saddle-stitched for $9.95, from AC Comics. Printed in 2018.