
Great American Western # 2



GAW#2 The magazine dedicated to the preservation of the western is back, with a special focus on the best western comics of yesteryear. “The Kid From Broken Gun” is a nine-page, comprehensive (and profusely photo illustrated) article on the career of Charles Starrett and his most famous on-screen persona, The Durango Kid; followd by “Best Of The West”, an overview of the top western comic house of the 1950’s, Magazine Enterprises. Both written by western comics historian Bill Black. Then, a trio of superlative full story reprints- Red Mask in “Stage To Devil’s Gap”, with art by Frank Bolle; and Red Hawk in “The Helpless Warrior”, drawn by Bob Powell. Both are in full color. Finally, Charlton’s Billy The Kid (an untitled story from Billy The Kid #21) with art by John Severin. Great art, top flight reproduction and tons of information. Color (partial) photo cover, interiors are color and black and white with graytones. 44 pages, standard comic book format.