The Haunted Horseman comes to grips with “The Tyrant of Tombstone”; a thriller by Dick Ayers. After being severly beaten in his alter ego, the Durango Kid faces down a killer in a “Duel To The Finish!” by Joe Certa. Trap follows trap as only death offers a way out for Redmask who must travers “The Doom Trail!”, by Frank Bolle. “Guns Talk Loud In Spooktown!” much to the chargrin of The Lemonade Kid in a story of tense suspense by Bob Powell. The masked Black Diamond meets the treacherous Blue Toad in “Pastures Of Death!” by Al Luster. Top flight tales of masked heroes, originally presented by Magazine Enterprises and Lev Gleason Publications in this big issue of Best of the West. 44 pages, black and white with color covers, standard comic book size. Printed in 2002