Femforce # 40


Venturing into She-cats own mind to learn the secrets of the bonding process, Nightveil comes face to face with the cat god Sehkmet. While Stardust helps Tara search for Janis Lawson on Jungle Island, Nightveil attempts a new bond with She-cat- with the help of Synn and Jennifer. Meanwhile, the mad Black Commando is hunting down those he blames for his condition-why is Octavia Howard on his list ? A strange elderly woman is offering Rad a small fortune for her youth serum- and you know Rad will take that deal. Back at FFHQ, the bonding process goes terribly wrong, and Sehkmet is free, until Stardust jumps into the fray, and bonds with She-cat at the last possible moment. “Inside Out

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Venturing into She-cats own mind to learn the secrets of the bonding process, Nightveil comes face to face with the cat god Sehkmet. While Stardust helps Tara search for Janis Lawson on Jungle Island, Nightveil attempts a new bond with She-cat- with the help of Synn and Jennifer. Meanwhile, the mad Black Commando is hunting down those he blames for his condition-why is Octavia Howard on his list ? A strange elderly woman is offering Rad a small fortune for her youth serum- and you know Rad will take that deal. Back at FFHQ, the bonding process goes terribly wrong, and Sehkmet is free, until Stardust jumps into the fray, and bonds with She-cat at the last possible moment. “Inside Out” is written and layed out by Bill Black, with finishes by Mark Heike. It guest stars The Terror, Nathan Margold and Lady Luger, with cameos of Janis Lawson and Octavia Howard. It also sports some of the best “good girl art” ever to appear in a series known for it’s GGA. The backup story is “Enter Lady Liberty” a Tara story reprinted from the Paragon Publications title Tara On The Dark Continent #2, 1978. In it, Tara’s dad talks her into subbing for a hold-out T.V. actress playing the part of a fictional superheroine. When the actress sees Tara in her place, a wild cat -fight ensues. Written by Bill Black with art by Marc(Tug and Buster)Hempel. See Tara in a star-spangled bikini, beat the stuffings out of actress Sparrow Spigot. Guest starring T. C. Fremont. Color cover by Dick Ayers and Mark Heike, interiors are black and white with graytones. Standard comic book format. Printed in 1991.