Men of Mystery # 7


No less than seven Golden Age features reproduced in sharp clarity, six of them new to this title!! Columbia’s Skyman battles giant Axis-spawned insects in an untitled story from Big Shot #32, (from February of 1942) drawn by his co-creator Ogden Whitney. The origin of Hillman Publication’s The Heap is recapped in the first episode of his series in Airboy Comics, originally appearing in Vol. 3, #9, October, 1946. The Phantom Lady ends up in “The Old Shell Game



No less than seven Golden Age features reproduced in sharp clarity, six of them new to this title!! Columbia’s Skyman battles giant Axis-spawned insects in an untitled story from Big Shot #32, (from February of 1942) drawn by his co-creator Ogden Whitney. The origin of Hillman Publication’s The Heap is recapped in the first episode of his series in Airboy Comics, originally appearing in Vol. 3, #9, October, 1946. The Phantom Lady ends up in “The Old Shell Game”, from PL’s Ajax/Farrel run- Phantom Lady #2, February/March of 1955. Rocketman and Rocketgirl combat a murder racket in an untitled story from Chesler’s Punch #19, drawn by Ralph Mayo; Fox Features’ The Eagle thwart G. I. bankrobbers in a story taken from the second issue of his own book, published in September of 1941, and illustrated by Pierce Rice and Arturo Cazeneuve. Also, Bulletman and Bulletgirl face “Annihilation In The Air”, drawn by Bill (Torchy)Ward, from Fawcett’s Master Comics #99 Bonus: an all new “retro” adventure of The Fighting Yank and Kid Quick, written and drawn by Bill Black. Thrill to the fun, laughs and excitement!!