
Men of Mystery # 94




Yes, the special “All Aviators” issue of MOM is now available for purchase. This thrilling volume celebrating the great flying heroes of the Golden Age features never-before-reprinted adventures of all the greats, including SKYMAN, (from Big Shot #11), The PHANTOM FALCON, BLACK VENUS, AIRBOY, The PHANTOM EAGLE, CAPTAIN WINGS and TWELVE MORE iconic aeronautical heroes (and heroines) that have NEVER BEFORE APPEARED in Men of Mystery: The BLACK ANGEL, CAPTAIN AERO, CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT (The Dell Comics incarnation), The FLYIN’ FOOl, FLYIN’ JENNY, FLYING DUTCHMAN, GOLDEN EAGLE, LONE EAGLE, MASKED PILOT, SKYWOLF, TOMMY TOMAHAWK and WING TURNER!! Never before have so many of comicdom’s fearless flyers appeared together in one book!! Culled from the great air-war titles of the 1940’s like Wings, Airboy, Air Fighters, Contact Comics, Captain Aero and many, many more. Showcasing art by such luminaries as: Bob Powell, Harvey Kurtzman, John Giunta, Bob Fugitani, Mort Leav, Maxwell Elkan, Russell Keaton, Marc Swayze, Ogden Whitney, George Tuska, Ernie Schroeder, Rudy Palais, Charles Quinlan, Bob Jenny, George Appel and Paul Parker. Eighteen full-story reprints in all, in THE best black and white reproduction that current technology allows. In total, it’s 140 full pages of art and story not seen since the glory days of the flying heroes- plus full-color covers. Standard comic book size, saddle stitched. Strap on your leather helmet, pull down your goggles, zip up your flight jacket and get ready for action with this great collection of vintage comic book action. $29.95 and on sale NOW!!